It is inevitable, sooner or later all alt-japanese blogs post some pink film posters. I just want to get this post out of the way. Let's do this bitches!!
暴露日記情欲の季節, 1969.
女番長感化院脱走, 1973. 女番長タイマン勝負, 1974. 女番長玉突き遊び, 1974.
水中裸の浮世絵蛇魂, 1959. しびれくらげ, 1970
信州シコシコ節温泉芸者VSお座敷ストリッパー, 1975.
秘録長崎おんな牢, 1971. 東京カリギュラ夫人, 1981. 情事のあと始末, 1969.
前科おんな殺し節, 1973. 新妻地獄, 1975.
性のハレンチ, 1968.
恐怖女子高校女暴力教室, 1972. 恐怖女子高校女暴力教室, 1973. 恐怖女子高校アニマル同級生, 1973.
女番長ゲリラ, 1972. 女番長, 1973
Awesome. It also looks as if they edited the nipple on the top poster, which amused me.
Great blog. Got your feeds. Would you like to link with a blog on Japanese indie music IN SPANISH? Let us know!
I discover this site today.
please, don't let it die.